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Regular Meeting of March 14, 2012 at 7:30 pm
Shared Meeting Room #3, Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT

Commissioners Present:  Peters, Boily, Curran, Salling.
Staff Present:  Rob Sibley, Deputy Director of Land Use and Planning, Steve Maguire, Wetlands Enforcement Official, Ann Mazur, Clerk.

Commissioner Peters convened the meeting at 7:30 pm.  


IW MOD/EX #06-11, 9 Butterfield Road, application by Kenneth R. Petrucci dba F & P Construction LLC for a modification to an approved application to construct a single family residence. Kenneth Petrucci, 176 Brushy Hill Road, Newtown, presented the application.  He presented a letter from L. Edwards Associates and plans that include the stonewall on the north face of the house which had been omitted from the previous plans. He said that the plans previously approved by the Town showed a walk out basement. Mr. Sibley noted that the plot plan is different from that building plan in that it does not show the walk out.  Commissioner Peters noted that Mr. Edwards commented that the plan would have no further impact on the wetlands but that he is not a soil scientist. The hydrology of the site has not been addressed. Mr. Sibley noted that the plan was to say “at grade.” The Commission had asked Mr. Petrucci for a letter from an expert on the wetlands stating that there is no further impact on the wetlands and where the wall is to go. Mr. Sibley said that the wall on the site is not close to what is on the plans and needs to be pushed out another 15-20 feet. Mr. Petrucci will have the wall staked out including the proposed height and he will ask Mr. Edwards to recommend an expert to comment on the wetlands. The application will be tabled until the March 28 meeting.    

IW #11-60, 11 Edmond Road, application by Advanced Fusion Systems (AFS), to lay gas pipeline  under Route 84 to provide gas to an existing manufacturing building.  Mr. Bill Joyce, CEO of AFS presented a wetland and delineation report from Ray Shook Associates, Soil and Environmental Consultants. He said that AFS needs a supply of natural gas that they propose to get from a four inch line four feet underground from Iroquois. This would enable the company to have power in an emergency situation if CL&P could not provide power.

Iroquois has suggested three routes, all of which would cross a stream:  Option A is the preferred route which is next to Route 84. Option B depicts a picture taken where the stream crossing would be located. The letter from Ray Shook Associates states that Mr. Shook does not feel there will be lasting impact on the wetlands. Option B would fill the trench across the stream bed with rip rap to prevent erosion. Rip rap would go down the stream and across the other side. Sandbags would be up to ten feet out from the trench and would be placed so that water flows through the pipe so that digging would be in a dry area. The digging should take about two days and about two more days to finish.  

The crossing of the stream in option A is along School House Road. This is the route preferred by Mr. Joyce.  

Commissioner Peters would like both options shown on plans so that the Commission can approve one of the options. Mr. Sibley noted that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is also involved so that this is a time sensitive project. He feels that both alternatives represent a stream crossing. He suggested that the Commissioners visit the site and review the materials presented tonight. Mr. Joyce said that AFS will try to do the work early in the spring but will make decisions after reviewing water issues.

Mr. Joyce said that Option C is not preferred because that involves trenching by houses.

The application will be tabled until the March 28 meeting.

IW #11-61, 84 South Main Street, application by Andrew Wiggin to construct a new building. John Mack, P.E. from Stuart Somers Company, presented the application. The building is 1 ½ stories high. There will be parking in the front. Some deferred parking will be requested on the north and south sides of the building but would probably not be built.  Two above ground bio retention areas for the roof drains are proposed and there would be 4x4 galleys  in the parking for the drainage of roof water. Mr. Mack noted that the site is on city water. Three existing buildings are on the site. No wetlands will be filled. The hundred foot setback goes through the proposed building. All development is 50 feet from the wetlands. The lot is 3.77 acres.  The building would be 6,400 square feet.  The building will be staked out as well as the parking areas. The parking that will be built will be paved. Charles Spath, principal of Stuart Somers, said this was originally a residential lot. The house was switched to a rear lot. The business zone will be expanded to include this building. The deferred parking areas would be landscaped for the present. There will be a detention area from the driveway to the wetlands. Two bio-retention areas which are like rain gardens will be reviewed for two years to determine if plantings need to be changed. Mr. Sibley noted that this system is identical to what the Commission approved for Mr. Wiggins other site.

Mr. Sibley asked if there could be more parking in the back rather than in the front. Mr. Spath said that the soils in the front are better for the septic. He said that the parking in the front could be deferred and will be considered but that for retail some parking in the front is preferred.  There is also a conservation easement that would restrict where parking could be placed.

Andy Wiggin noted that there are two new buildings in the back of the site. He said that the third building would complement the other two buildings.

The Commissioners will walk the site. Mr. Spath will have the site staked and will mark the stakes on the plans.  The application will be tabled until the March 28 meeting.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES.  Commissioner Boily moved to approve the minutes of February 22, 2012 as amended. Second by Commissioner Salling  and unanimously approved.

ADJOURNMENT. Commissioner Salling motioned to adjourn the meeting.  Commissioner  Curran seconded the motion.  The motion was approved and the meeting was adjourned at  8:40 pm.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk Pro Tem